Get Some!!

Get Some!!

Friday, April 27, 2012


      Arizona V. United States has made its appearance in the U.S. Supreme Court as the first day of arguments came to a close. The question that needs answering to in this case is found in the Writ of Certiorari to the Supreme Court.  It asks,  "whether the federal immigration laws preclude Arizona's efforts at cooperative law enforcement and impliedly preempt these four provisions of S.B. 1070 on their face."   

     I am in belief that the U.S. Supreme Court is going to be hard pressed to come to an answer to this question.  No where in the US Constitutional Amendments does it touch base with illegal immigrants.  It does however state in the 10th Amendment that rights not listed in the Constitution and are not prohibited by the Constitution are reserved for the states.  This is a very lose translation however. 

So on one side you have Arizona that is not breaking any Constitutional rights by implementing their laws against illegal immigration.  However, I do believe that this will end up as a slippery slope.  Because it allows for the checking of papers of anyone of foreign nationality or suspected foreign nationality I believe that this will lead to racial profiling.  Racial profiling is against the US Constitution.  I believe that the U.S. Supreme Court will see this slippery slope and this is why the decision will be one that is extremely difficult to decide.  I do look forward to the outcome that the U.S. Supreme Court will decide and the reasoning behind it.

Monday, April 9, 2012

     I disagree with everything you have stated completely on your post It is time to withdraw from Afghanistan.  I served in the military and I know many men and women who have deployed and came home, most in one piece some not.  The war on terrorism was not just about killing Sadam Hussen or Osama Bin Laden.  It was to obliterate terrorism against the United States from the Al-Qaeda.

     Now, since President Obama decided to pull our troops out before the country has been stabilized that is the cause of so many American deaths.  What idiot (beg your pardon for the term but I lack a more accurate term) would pull troops out of a hostile country.  We barely helped them set up a government and now we are abandoning them.  We will be right back where we were in about two years.  

     You say more than 80 soldiers have been killed since 2007 with the majority in 2009 right?  Well Obama was president for a year by that time and as soon as he put foot in the door he started depleted troop size in Afghanistan.  So that is your reason for the deaths of so many soldiers.  Because he has not allowed the military to handle a military situation.  Instead a man with no military background or training what so ever is given control over them and decides on a whim that he is going to withdraw troops without thinking of the consequences.  And the media is even worse they project the image that its because of these killings that we should withdraw from a country.  Hello we are still in Berlin and how long ago was that war? 


President Obama Should Not Be Re-elected

     In 2008 a new President came to office.  President Barak Obama a new hope for so many a face for a better America working for the average American.  Or so many of us thought and believed.  I was not among the believers.  My trepidation about President Obama began with the dispute over his birth records.  President Obama claims to have been born in Hawaii and can only produce a certificate of live birth.  To many people this passes a birth certificate.  However, being that I was born in Hawaii myself I know this to be untrue.  Hawaii is a state that produces birth certificates (which state you were born in Hawaii and therefore a US Citizen) and certificates of live birth (which ultimately mean you were born).  I have a birth certificate.  How an elected official can gain office without his credentials being checked still blows my mind.  It is part of the United States Constitution.

     My second trepidation stems from his passport usage in the 1980s.  In the 1980s US Citizens were not allowed to go to Pakistan.  This is important because President Obama was there in the 1980s and if he couldn't use a US Passport what passport did he use.  And since he used another passport that pretty much shows that he is not truly a native born citizen of the USA and therefore has illegally become President by a system that doesn't know how to verify the credentials of Presidential nominees before they get voted into office. 

     Things really get scary with President Obama in office with his policies in governing the United States.  President Obama is pushing so hard for America to be just like Europe that it is costing America a fortune and pushing us even further into debt.  He started with the increase in gas prices to attempt to get Americans to be more European and walk everywhere.  Apparently Obama forgot that this is the US and we are bigger that Europe could ever hope to be so walking isn't really an option.  We don't have any money to invest  in a bullet train like they have in Europe so that again is out of the question.  Then the icing on the cake President Obama decides to have "Obama Care".  At first glance one might think finally I will be taken care of and have health insurance.  But the cost of it does not out way the benefits.  Again Obama Care is drafted from the Europeans.
       However, America is so big the wait list to get an MRI would take years, the drugs that we have available to us would not be at our fingertips it could take months to get a prescription we needed because we weren't sick enough to receive the medication the first time around.  Also, the working class would again be supporting those that choose to schmooze off the government as if they aren't bad enough lets give them health care too.  Gee, I am a single mom trying to go to school, work and sure why not I want to pay for my health care and someone elses too. 

     I would love nothing better than for President Obama to not be re-elected in the 2012 election.  At this point I could care less who is in the running for the presidential nominee spots.  I would and will vote for anyone whose name is not Obama.  America has always allowed its people to build their own money and pay their own way.  I don't want to start changing it now just because some non native born President decides we should be more European.  Its ridiculous.